The idea for this church began in 1964 when the Presbytery of Denver purchased 10 acres of land in the Denver Tech Center area on South Yosemite Street.  The first worship service was held at Cherry Creek High School in 1972, and Presbyterian Church of the Covenant officially became a church in the PC(USA) in 1973.

The name “Covenant” is a word from Scripture which refers to the committed relationship God offers to God’s people.  God’s steadfast love for the people of God is demonstrated in story after story in Scripture.  We at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant recognize God’s steadfast love as an amazing gift and as the main thing we base our self understanding on, so that we might love others as we first have been loved.  The star of David is a symbol of this covenant relationship in the Old Testament, and because of that, we have incorporated it into our cross as a reminder to us of who we are.  It is in our stainglass window in the sanctuary and is part of the church logo.