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Covenant Information

A Glimpse at History |

Covenant is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA. Our theological roots go all the way back to the Reformation when the protestants broke away from the Catholic church. Our essential tenets were formed to re-create the church and correct the mistakes of the past.

Non-hierarchical structure |

Presbyterians emphasize the “priesthood of all believers”. There are no priests who have authority over us. We are all equal in the eyes of God, with equal access to God. Our leaders (elders) are elected by the congregation and share decision-making with the pastor.

You Have a Right to Your Beliefs |

We believe that “God alone is the lord of the conscience”. God has given you the gift of judgment and the freedom to use it. Presbyterians do not see the world as black and white with easy right or wrong solutions. We know that life is messy but that God is in the mess with us. The church exists to gather God’s people for worship, encouragement, and service to others as we seek our future together.

The Centrality of Christ and the Scriptures |

Our foundation is Jesus Christ and our bearing comes from the bible, which we view as the inspired Word of God. The reading and preaching of the Word is the focus of our worship. We believe that all scripture must be interpreted within its historical context and thoughtfully applied to life today.

We are all Connected |

Presbyterian Churches do not operate in isolation. We are all connected to each other and share common ministries. Pastors and ruling elders gather regularly for support and the common work of the regional and national church.

For More Information |

If you'd like to take a deeper dive into the theology and history of the broader PC(USA) denomination, click Here to be directed to the official PC(USA) website where all of that is outlined.

Want to Learn More?

If you have any questions about what our church believes and why, we'd love to talk with you about those beliefs! Fill out this contact form below with your questions.

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