As Hubs of Hope, we are not exempt from the trials, tribulations and burdens of this world. In fact, Christ teaches that in this life we will face great trials of many kinds but to hold onto the hope that Christ has overcome the world! We don’t use this hope as a cop-out of the world, or a concern of individual salvation. Instead we use this hope to propel us forward in our daily lives to act out the mission of Christ in the world. Christ did not hang around the religious nor was he found in the pews on Sunday morning, instead Christ invested Himself into the community. Christ was one with the community. Christ immersed himself among the oppressed, the poor, the children, the women, the marginalized, the disabled, and the weak. As Hubs of Hope we are called to go beyond our Sunday Best and immerse ourselves into the communities which we have been called to.Scripture: 1 John 5:1-6